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Archive for May 2014

GUBERNUR Kepulauan Riau Muhammad Sani menjelaskan bahwa kesiapan masyarakat dan dukungan perhelaan Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) XXV Tahun 2014 di kota Batam sudah mencapai 95 persen.
“Dari sisi persiapan penyelenggaraan, tinggal 5 persen lagi. Jadi, Batam sudah mempercantik diri untuk penyelenggaraan MTQ nasional tersebut dan menyambut para kafilah dari berbagai provinsi di Indonesia, kata Sani pada launching MTQ XXV Tahun 2014 di Batam yang dibuka Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali,baru-baru ini.
Hadir dalam acara tersebut Wagub Soerya Respationo, Dirjen Bimas Islam Abdul Djamil, Dirjen Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umroh (PHU) Anggito Abimanyu, Dirjen Bimas Buddha Djoko Wuriyanto, Dirjen Bimas Hindu Ida Bagus Yudha Tri Guna dan sejumlah pejabat eselon II Pusat.
Untuk waktu penyenggaraan, Sani mengatakan bahwa tidak ada perubahan dari kesiapan yang sudah dijadwalkan bahwa MTQ XXV tetap diselenggarakan pada 5-14 Juni 2014. Diharapkan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dapat membuka MTQ XXV di Batam tersebut.
Dalam sambutannya Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali menyatakan, sukses penyelenggaraan Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) bisa dilihat dari sisi penyelenggaraan dan sebagai potret perwujudan kerukunan antarumat di Tanah Air.
“Penyelenggaraan MTQ yang banyak melibatkan antarumat dan melahirkan kerukunan antarumat baik antarapemuka agama maupun pada lapisan akar rumput menjadi potret dari semangat kerukunan nasional,” kata Suryadharma Ali.
Penyelenggaraan MTQ menurut Menag tak lepas dari kerukunan yang ada di Indonesia. Itu dapat dilihat dari pengalaman penyelenggaraan MTQ di Ambon. Banyak pihak awalnya ragu bahwa perhelatan yang dibuka Presiden SBY itu dapat berjalan sukses. Nyatanya, masyarakat Ambon yang terdiri dari umat Nasrani dan Islam saling bahu membahu menyukseskan penyelenggaraan MTQ tersebut.

Persiapan MTQ yang ke 25 di Batam Sudah 95 %

Possibility is when there is a chance that something may happen or be true while probability is the likelihood of something happening or being true:
"Until yesterday, the project was just a possibility, but now it has become a real probability."
It is likely that it will happen.

Expressing Possibility
·         My grandmother may travel alone.
·         May be she will make the trip alone.
·         Perhaps she will visit London.
·         Possibly, she will go by plane.
·         It's possible that someone will meet her at the airport.
·         She might buy some presents for the family before she goes.
·         I suppose she might spend a lot of money on the presents.
·         There's a chance she'll like the city.
·         She will take an umbrella as it could rain heavily there..
Expressing impossibility
·         No, it's impossible to repair that old Chevrolet.
·         Even a good mechanic can't possibly fix it.
·         We may not be able to travel by car.
·         There's no chance my father repairs it tomorrow.
There are several modal 
verbs used to show 
possibility.  They
are Might, May, Could, and 
Must.  All of these are 
ways to say maybe.


Modal Verb                             +         Base Verb
May/Might/Could/Must      +         Base Verb


·         I may eat dinner at 7:00pm.
·         She might work late tonight.
·         They must be tired.

May shows possibility in the present or the future.

Present:        Where are my keys?  They may be in the car.
Future:          I may go to the party tonight.

May is formal and is often found in writing.

·         Side effects of this medication may include upset stomach
and fever.

Might shows possibility in the present or future.
·         Where are my keys?  They might be in the car.
·         I might go to the party tonight.

Might is less formal than may, and is more common in

Could shows that something is possible in the present or

Present:        Where are my keys?  They could be in the car.
Future:          We could go to the party tonight.

Could shows options, or possibility.

Must shows certainty, or the belief of certainty, from the

·         Everyone is wearing a jacket.  It must be cold.     

Belief of certainty:     

·         He was running for 2 hours.  He must be tired.
    (Although it seems obvious, it is not a fact that the runner
    is tired.)

Have to
Have to shows certainty, or the belief of certainty, from
the speaker.


·         Everyone is wearing a jacket.  It has to be cold.     

Belief of certainty:  

·         He was running for 2 hours.  He has to be tired.
    (Although it seems obvious, it is not a fact that the runner
    is tired.)

Have to is much less formal than must, and is common in

Past Possibility

May, Might, and Could are all used to show possibility in the

Modal Verb + Have + Past Participle

·         He might have brought the cake.
·         She may have gone home early.
·         They could have worked late.

Must can be used in the same way to show certainty in the
·         He must have won the game.

Might Not vs. Could Not

Although Might and Could express possibility in a similar way,
the negative forms of Might and Could are different.

Might not shows that something probably is not true.

·         These books might not be the teachers.

Might not shows that something probably will not
happen in the future.

·         I might not go to the party tonight.

Could not shows that something is impossible.

·         This could not be the only book available.
·         She could not know who my friend is.  They have
·         never met.

1. Sarry   :‘Do you think that we can finish this by today?’
    Tomy     : ‘I have no doubt that we can finish it in time.’
The underlined sentence means …
A.  agreement
B.   disagreement
C.  certainty
D.  uncertainty
E.  impossibility

2. Yato    : ‘are you sure to come to Yukine’s birthday tonight?’
    Hiyori  : i believe I can come.
The underlined sentence means …
A.  disagreement
B.   displeasure
C.  possibility
D.  uncertainty
E.   disappointed

3. Etty    :I’d like to go to the cinema tonight, will you join me?
   Charles : …. Its great.
A.   I don’t think I’ll go with you
B.   I have something to do.
C.   Oh really, but I don’t like it
D.   I think I have to see it
E.    Sure, I’m really looking forward to seeing it

4. Is it possible we win this race?
Alex     :.....
a. there is possibility of being the winner
b. probably, i’m not sure you go to the mall
c. i may be join too
d. i don’t know the rules
e. lets buy a car

5. Is there a chance that we’ll win the football match?
Alex     :...
a. i like football
b. lets watch it
c. Of course there is a chance to win
d. may be you can buy a ball
e. i am very confuse

Possibility dan 5 soal pilihan ganda

Aggreing & Disagreeing


It is worthwhile saying that silence is not understood as agreeing. If you agree with an opinion or an idea, you are expected to say so.


There is no doubt about it that...
I completely / absolutely agree with you.
I agree with you entirely.
I totally agree with you. 
I simply must agree with that. 
I am of the same opinion. 
I am of the same opinion. 
That’s exactly what I think.


Expressing disagreeing is always respected as honest, and sometimes as courageous.


I don't agree with you.
I’m sorry, but I disagree. 
I'm afraid, I can't agree with you. 
The problem is that... 
I (very much) doubt whether... 
This is in complete contradiction to... 
With all due respect,…
I am of a different opinion because ... 
I cannot share this / that / the view. 
I cannot agree with this idea. 
What I object to is... 
I have my own thoughts about that.

1. A : I love chocolate, don't you agree?
    B : .....
a. Yes, I agree.
b. No, I agree.
c. Yes, I don't know
d. sure.here it is
e. look!

2. Do you agree that news is fake?
    B  : .....
a. I'm busy
b. i don’t agree with you
c. I don't wanna miss it
d. may be you should go
e. great!

3. Noragami is the best anime in winter season,isn’t it?
a. i feel the same way
b. i believe you can make it too
c. you can watch it
d. i believe you will be okay
e. don’t worry

4. it’s hot today,isn’t it?
a. turn on the fan!
b. open your book
c. i think you’re right
d. can’t switch the fan
e. good bye

5. Yukine is handsome,right?
a. very beautiful
b. look at him
c. i can’t deny that
d. i want it
e. don’t go
(Meminta dan Memberikan Pendapat)

Opinion is including  the words of opinion and argument/ reasons.
Opinion dialogue is a dialog consists of two persons or more who have opinion each others. It can use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think etc.  Argument dialogue is a dialog that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the words such as first, second etc for arranging arguments.

Asking opinion : 
Formal :
- Have you got any comments on …..
- Do you have any idea?
- Do you have any opinion on ……
- Would you give me your opinion on……….?
- What is your reaction to ……
- What is your opinion about……….?
- What are you feeling about………….?
- What are your views on……….?
- Please give me your frank opinion?
- What do you think of…….?
- What do you think about………?
- What is your opinion?
- Why do they behave like that?
- Do you think it’s going?
- How do you like?
- How was the trip?
- How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
- How do you feel about this dicition?

Giving opinion
Formal :
- I personally believe …..
- I personally consider ….
- I personally think /feel ….
- I hold the opinion ….
- My own view of the matter is ……
- Well, personally …….
- If I had my view, I would …..

- I think I like it.
- I don’t think I care for it.
- I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
- I think that awful/not nice/terrible…………
- I don’t think much of it.
- I think that……..
- In my opinion, I would rather……….
- In my case …..
- What I’m more concerned with ….
- What I have in my mind is………
- The way I see is that…………
- No everyone will agree with me, but ….
- To my mind …..
- From my point of view ….
- If you aks me, I feel ….
- Absolutely ………


1.  X : We’ll have a long holiday next month. 
What are you going to do?
Y : ....
X : I hope you have a nice trip.
a. I am thinking of going to Bali
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you
c. It’s not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I don’t know what to do

2. A : What do you think about the film ?
B : I think .......................
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. i can’t hear you
d. you forget it
e. let’s go

3. ........................ he is polite.
a. I don’t think
b. I don’t
c. What do you
d. What your opinion
e. i don’t understand

4. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Eric : I don’t think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
a. I know it
b. I am thinking of
c. He forget it
d. In my opinion
e. see you

5. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
a. you must sing
b. you should lie down and have some rest
c. you can see the doctor tonight
d. I will take you to the hospital
e. I must take some rest, too

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